Allied Artists

Allied Artists is devoted to artists, designers, writers, and patrons of the fine arts. It is a vehicle to promote the artist's voice in a democracy to stimulate debate, discussion, and awareness. Today more than ever your voice is important, and it must be heard because "there is no distinct edge between art forms, between artists' works and lives, between one artist's works and another's. Artists connect people to each other, people to the earth, and the present to the past and future."

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Joseph Imperiale is a Humanities and Writing instructor at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD). He has an MA in English literature and an MFA in Creative Writing & Film Studies from Chapman University. Several of his short stories have been published in small press anthologies. E-mail: / Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design:

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

EN100--Intro. to College Composition,%20Gary%20Colombo

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Inquiry Journal Questions

Each Inquiry Journal response should be a minimum 800 words. The purpose of an inquiry journal is to record responses to questions about the essays in Mind Readings, to record thoughts and ideas that can be used at a later time to enhance the content of your formal writing assignments, and to prepare you for class discussions. Journaling is a form of taking notes and studying. The writing you generate in your journals need not be formal or perfect; however, the responses should be thoughtful and reflect effort. As the semester progresses, the content of the journal entries should reflect growth in coherence, unity, development, and critical thinking. Journals will be collected twice over the semester. To access the questions, click on the link below: